The Front of Package Labelling Regulations (FoPL) was published on July 20th in the Canada Gazette II, with an implementation date of January 1st, 2026. 

As announced in late June, Health Canada has accepted DPAC’s proposal to adopt a calcium threshold exemption for cheese, that would apply to both standardized and non-standardized. We are confident that it will provide more flexibility when it comes to product innovation as compared to the proposal originally presented by Health Canada. In that latter proposal, no exemptions would have been provided to unstandardised cheese irrespective of calcium content. Also, the wording chosen in the new regulation provides some flexibility for the sugar content in yogurt; sugar is exempt in yogurt as long as the yogurt does not contain added sugar.

For more information on the treatment of dairy products in the context of the FoPL regulations, do not hesitate to contact DPAC staff.

Further Reading